Learn how to reduce downwind exposure risks from wildfire smoke. Our newest toolkit provides valuable insights to help protect health!
Join CIRI at 9:00-10:00 a.m. for the presentation:
Special Session
The rise in synthetic products, coupled with the focus on airtight buildings to conserve energy, has led to increased volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and chemical-related indoor air quality issues, resulting in building-related illness, litigation, and leasing problems. Additionally, weather-related disasters, warmer temperatures, and changing precipitation have increased ground ozone, mold, and pathogens. These disasters can also potentially increase material emissions inside buildings, threatening the IAQ in these spaces. This presentation raises awareness so building professionals can drive market transformation towards healthier spaces.
Holley Henderson, Chemical Insights Research Institute of UL Research Institutes
Dawn Haynie, American Society of Interior Designers
Visit the conference website for more information.