Preparing for Natural Disasters Part 1: Fire and Smoke - Chemical Insights
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Webinar: “Preparing for Natural Disasters Part 1: Fire and Smoke”

Date and Time

October 26, 2023 from 2-3 p.m. EDT


Wildfires are bigger, burning longer, causing more damage and impacting public health more than ever. Wildfires can quickly turn into a disaster when they enter the wildland urban interface, where structures and other human development meet with undeveloped wildland or vegetation fuel.

Land trusts are in a unique position to proactively reduce the risk of WUI fires both by safeguarding wildlands from development and by applying best practices to operations and stewardship efforts.


  • Marilyn Black, PhD, LEED AP, vice president and senior technical and strategic advisor at Chemical Insights Research Institute
  • Alister Watt, chief product officer with Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety
  • Lena Pollastro from Land Trust of Napa County
  • Kelly Watkinson, land and climate program manager at the Land Trust Alliance
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