Scientific Journal Publications Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Chemical Insights

Chemical Exposure and Flammability Risks of Upholstered Furniture

Children’s Microenvironmental Exposure to PM2.5 and Ozone and the Impact of Indoor Air Filtration

Malondialdehyde in Nasal Fluid: A Biomarker for Monitoring Asthma Control in Relation to Air Pollution Exposure

Real-Time Measurements of PM2.5 and Ozone to Assess the Effectiveness of Residential Indoor Air Filtration in Shanghai Homes

Association Between Bedroom Particulate Matter Filtration and Changes in Airway Pathophysiology in Children With Asthma

Associations of Personal Exposure to Air Pollutants with Airway Mechanics in Children with Asthma

The Impact of Household Air Cleaners on the Oxidative Potential of PM2.5 and the Role of Metals and Sources Associated with Indoor and Outdoor Exposure.

Using Low-cost Sensors to Quantify the Effects of Air Filtration on Indoor and Personal Exposure Relevant PM2.5 Concentrations in Beijing, China

Using Low-cost Sensors to Monitor Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Ozone Concentrations in Beijing, China

Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Particles Emitted from a Consumer-level 3D Printer Using Various Materials